Saturday, October 24, 2009


We're celebrating our 28th anniversary, thanks to all of you, our loyal customers.

In honor of this special occasion, we are having our annual
Anniversary Sale October 25 - 31, 2009:

20% off everything in the store
(not good with other discounts or promotions; not valid on special orders or layaways)

Since the Real Good Toys dollhouse kits are already 20% off suggested retail every day, we will be offering a bonus during the sale week:

30% off the suggested retail prices on
Real Good Toys dollhouse kits.

Don't want to put a dollhouse together?

Our assembled display houses all have special pricing during the sale --
at LEAST 20% off -- and often more.

Remember - no boxes or gift-wrapping on sale items -- just lots of great deals.

We'll look forward to seeing you soon!

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